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Item #: AsterxSB-Pro

AsteRx SB ProDirect

EOL notice issued for AsteRx SB Pro producst. See EOL Notice for Details. Last time buy date is March 29, 2024 (subject to availability).

Septentrio’s  AsteRx SB ProDirect combines the best RTK positioning and heading with GNSS positioning in a compact and ruggedized IP68 housing. Reliable positions are available together with heading & pitch or heading & roll angles directly from system initialization. Multi-constellation, triple-frequency dual antenna technology ensures highly accurate and reliable positioning and heading.

SKU: AsterxSB-Pro Categories: , , Manufacturer: Septentrio

Septentrio AsteRx SB ProDirect

EOL notice issued for AsteRx SB Pro producst. See EOL Notice for Details.

Housed GNSS positioning and heading receiver

The AsteRx SB ProDirect is a unique mix of technologies combining the RTK positioning and heading in a compact and ruggedized IP68 housing. Reliable positioning is available with heading and pitch or heading and roll angles directly from system initialization. Multi-constellation, triple-frequency dual antenna technology ensures highly accurate and reliable positioning and heading.

Key Features

  • Sub-degree heading & pitch or heading & roll angles
  • Quad-constellation, multi-frequency, all-in-view RTK positioning
  • Robust and compact IP68 weatherproof housing
  • AIM+ unique interference monitoring and mitigation system among other advanced GNSS+ algorithms
  • Easy to integrate and monitor with intuitive Web UI
  • Open interfaces for easy integration
The GNSS+ Technologies: Converting bad environments into good positioning

Mechanical vibrations or shocks caused by rough terrain can wreak havoc with satellite tracking. LOCK+ automatically adjusts the parameters of the AsteRx SB GPS/GNSS receiver so you never lose position.

Activity in the ionosphere is a problem for GNSS signals, from loss of RTK fix to total loss of signal lock. Having honed our skills, supporting applications in the most iono-active areas on Earth,  the result is IONO+: the most advanced protection against ionospheric disturbances to GNSS signals on any receiver.

Metal and large nearby structures can reflect GNSS signals and produce multipath. The APME+ system effectively disentangles direct and reflected signals enhancing both position and measurement quality. APME+ is bias free and, in line with Septentrio’s commitment to maximum configurability, can be disabled.

Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM+) comprises fault detection mechanisms of the receiver at all the levels including the generation of measurements, quality control and navigation algorithms. Detected faulty measurements, which are typically caused by high multipath or active ionosphere, are removed from the solution.

AIM+ anti-jamming and RF spectrum monitoring system


AIM+ offers built-in protection against intentional and unintentional jamming using a sophisticated system of sampling and mitigation mechanisms. Your high-precision GNSS receiver can automatically suppress the widest variety of interferers from simple continuous narrow-band signals to the more complex wide band and pulsed transmitters as well as lnmarsat and Iridium satellite transmissions.  

Intuitive web user interface



The AsteRx SB ProDirect includes an intuitive web user interface for easy operation and monitoring allowing you to control the receiver from any mobile device or computer. The web interface also uses easy-to-read quality indicators ideal to monitor the receiver operation during the job at hand.