Course 356: GPS and DGPS Operation for Engineers & Technical Professionals: Principles, Technology, Applications and DGPS Concepts
Instructor Dr. Chris Hegarty, MITRE
This course is offered only as a private group training course | 3.0 CEUs
Course Description
This 5-day course offers a comprehensive introduction to GPS and DGPS technology, system concepts, design, operation, implementation and applications, including detailed information on the GPS signal, its processing by the receiver, and the techniques by which GPS obtains position, velocity and time. This course is presented by two highly respected instructors who bring their unique experiences and professional expertise to the class. This course is similar to Course 346, except that Course 356 has three additional hours of Differential GPS and two additional hours of Kalman filtering, to provide the attendee with more in-depth information on these critical topics as they apply to GNSS.
See details below for more information about this course. (Note: This course encompasses Courses 122, 336 and 356B. If you have selected this course, do not separately select any of these course numbers.)
- To give a comprehensive introduction to GPS and DGPS technology, system concepts, design, operation, implementation and applications, including critical information on DGPS and Kalman filtering concepts.
- To provide detailed information on the GPS signal, its processing by the receiver, and the techniques by which GPS obtains position, velocity and time.
- To present current information on the status, plans, schedule and capabilities of GPS, as well as of other satellite-based systems with position velocity and time determination applications.
- To fill in technical information gaps for those working in the GPS and GNSS fields.
- Familiarity with engineering terms and analysis techniques.
- General familiarity with matrix operations is desirable for Thursday and Friday, and familiarity with signal processing techniques is desirable for Wednesday through Friday. (The materials for days 3, 4 and 5 of Course 356 are more intensive than what is taught in Course 346.)
Who Should Attend?
- Excellent for engineering staff who need to be rapidly brought up to speed on GPS and for those already working in GPS who need exposure to the system as a whole in order to work more effectively.
Materials You Will Keep
- A color electronic copy of all course notes provided in advance on a USB drive or CD-ROM.
- Ability to use Adobe Acrobat sticky notes on electronic course notes.
- NavtechGPS Glossary of GNSS Acronyms.
- A black and white hard copy of the course notes.
- A textbook from the list below.
Course Fee Entitles You to One of the Following Books
- Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, 2nd ed., Elliott Kaplan & Chris Hegarty, Eds., Artech House, 2006, OR
- Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurement and Performance, P. Misra and P. Enge, 2nd ed., 2011.
- GPS Basics for Technical Professionls, P. Misra, 2019.
- Introduction to GPS: the Global Positioning System, 2nd Ed., A. El-Rabbany, 2006. Note: This arrangement does not apply to private group contracts. Any books for group contracts are negotiated on a case by case basis.
San Diego, CA
[My objective was to] gain a better understanding of GPS operating principles with a focus on error sources and
differential GPS. I thought [Dr. Hegarty’s] teaching style was excellent. He specifically tailored his approach to the small classroom environment with significant student interaction: True teaching versus lecturing. [I would recommend this course to] system engineers requiring more than a black box knowledge of GPS.
San Diego, CA
Dr. Hegarty is very knowledgeable and he is a great communicator. He explained conceptual and theoretical topics
clearly. He was very accessible in answering questions. He did an excellent job engaging the students in the learning
Annapolis, MD
I thought [Dr. Hegarty] had a great teaching style, was funny and had just the right amount of slides. [Dr. Hegarty] was very good at explaining very technical things in a way that made sense to someone with very little signals /
communications background.