Hemisphere GNSS Crescent Vector H220 OEM Board
The manufacturer has issued an end of life (EOL) notice for this product. It has been replaced by the Vega 34. Please see related products for more information.
The Crescent Vector H220 GNSS OEM board is a single-frequency, high-performance GNSS heading, positioning, and attitude module.
The H220 gives integrators the opportunity to develop for sophisticated marine, navigation, and land applications in challenging environments. It uses Hemisphere’s advanced Vector technology, advanced multipath mitigation techniques, and Hemisphere’s proprietary multifunction application.
The H220 is capable of providing heading of 0.04 with a 5 meter antenna baseline and either RTK or SBAS positioning depending on your location requirements. With Atlas corrections, the H220 can obtain instant sub-meter accuracy worldwide while being more robust than SBAS, even in SBAS regions.
- L1 GPS/GLONASS/BeiDou/Galileo RTK capable
- Integrated L-band for Atlas corrections
- Excellent coasting performance
- 10 cm heave accuracy with RTK
- Strong multipath mitigation and interference rejection
- New multi-axis gyro and tilt sensor for reliable coverage during short GNSS outages
The H220 replaces the Crescent Vector H200 GNSS board.
Crescent Vector Firmware Options
- Crescent Vector 20 Hz activation
- Crescent RTK activation