ADU800 GNSS Sensor
Trimble has announced that the ABX100, ABX800 and ABX802 AND the ADU800 are now officially in their end of life / end of manufacturing phase. Trimble does not encourage development of any new projects using these OEM products. Trimble suggests ABX-Two for customers looking for a replacement product for ABX100, ABX800 and ABX802Â and ADU800. Please see related product(s) shown.
The ADU800 from Ashtech is a three antenna GNSS system employing “on-the-fly” integer ambiguity resolution techniques using carrier phase measurements from the three on board GNSS receivers to provide instantaneous 3D attitude information. Attitude angular accuracies depend on the spatial separation between the three antennas and ADU800 can typically provide accuracies of 0.1 degree for heading and 0.2 degree for pitch and roll, using a 2 meter antenna separation.
Built on the strength of its predecessors, the AshtechADU800 supasses and replaces the  3DF, ADU1, ADU2 and ADU5 and delivers unsurpassed accuracy in a rugged, full-function system. ADU800 provides precise heading, pitch and roll along with three-dimensional position up to centimeter-level of accuracy and velocities at a rate of up to 20 Hz for static and dynamic platforms, making it an ideal solution for a wide variety of airborne, marine and terrestrial applications.
In addition to the 3D attitude, the main GNSS board of the ADU800 is providing a 3D position up to centimeter-level accuracy in RTK mode when appropriate corrections feed the receiver. The ADU800 can be readily used in GNSS applications such as gyrocompass calibration, open-pit mining, dredge positioning, seismic exploration and oceanographic research, airborne videography and remote sensing, as well as many other terrestrial, marine and airborne weapons and antenna pointing applications.