Franck Boynton to Participate in GPS World Webinar, Sponsored by Loctronix. May 22, 2014; 10 a.m. PDT; 1 p.m. EDT; 5 p.m. GMT.
NavtechGPS VP and CTO Franck Boynton will join Loctronix Corporation speakers Dr. Michael B. Mathews, CEO and Founder; Chief Scientist Peter F. MacDoran and Senior Engineer Michael O. Davies to discuss the need for robust, highly-reliable, navigation information in GNSS-denied environments for UAVs and UASs in commercial and military applications. Total reliance on GNSS can lead to disastrous consequences when signals are interfered with or obstructed.
Attendees will learn how robust, cost-effective hybrid GNSS technologies offer unique capabilities for UAV navigation in environments where traditional GPS receivers may fail.